Idk. I keep annoying the few friends that I do have so I decided to write down what I was thinking instead of telling it to an actual living, breathing human. Then I tried to write in a journal, but I don't have my life together at all, so I kept losing those. So here we are, I guess. I'm writing this, and since I'm writing this as if someone else is gonna read it (lol) so if that actually ever does happen, you must either be bored out of your mind, you stumbled upon this accidentally, or you're some sort of stalker who searched out this blog to read about all the secrets of my life, in which case you're about to be sorely disappointed by the lack of action that happens here. Wow that was a run on sentence. Too bad I'm not gonna go fix it.
I guess I'm the most extraordinary type of ordinary person, if that makes any sense. I've always thought it was funny how extraordinary is spelled extra-ordinary. It's supposed to mean that you're a special individual, while it's cruelly spelled to make you seem more like everybody else. You're less special than you thought. You're EXACTLY like everyone around you, and you have nothing to offer the world, actually. That turned dark really fast, sorry. But I guess that's kinda how my brain's been going today.
It's kind of almost the middle of the night and I really just want some pineapple and a taco bell crunch wrap. That's where I got the name of this blog. But I'm so serious though. Since my friends are mad at me for wanting to hang out with them, and I'm still cat-less, I have to eat my feelings like all the other depressed teenagers. How did I end up here?? I find myself asking that all the time. I never ever would've guessed that I would find myself here, but alas dreams are different from reality I guess.
I say that a lot. "I guess." It's probably because I'm trying to be opinionated, whilst remaining neutral, but it just makes me sound wishy-washy. And there I go again with "probably." Maybe that's why I'm spending another night sitting in my kitchen with my parents. I'd really love it if I could figure out where I was going with this. This blog post, this blog in general, and my life overall really. I feel like I've jumped around so much in this one post, so if you're still reading (or at least pretending to) then I applaud you for your effort bud. You tried real hard, and no ones even gonna know about it except for you. Doesn't that make you feel like a special little snowflake? Don't answer that I'm not even sure why I even said that, but I've written too much to go and backspace it now. Oh well. I should stop writing before I say too much, or lose the one reader I might get if I'm lucky, so I guess this is it for the day.
But maybe it's not. It should be. But I can't even stick to my own rules, clearly. I always told myself that my life was my own, but now I guess it's public domain. But whatever, maybe somebody will learn some sort of life lesson from this or something, and maybe it'll be me. And now its too late for me to get my crunch wrap, and we have no pineapple, so I guess I'll go to bed, and try again tomorrow. But at least I made it to the middle of the night. Now, to figure out how to end a blog post...
I've never been good at goodbyes, but I guess this is the end. Ugh I hate that, but it'll have to work for now. K bye.
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